Thursday, 1 January 2015

Create apps without any Programming experience

Till now we know that for creating Apps you need to know programming languages like java,C,HTML etc. but with the advancement in technology some companies are offering App creation without any programming background.Yeah it's true Now for creating Apps it's not necessary to learn programming languages or outsource it to a foreign country.Now you can also awesome Apps for your iphone or Android.

App creation tools availble on web are MIT App inventor and zoho Creator. Mit App inventer is a simple Applet program which runs on your browser. it has pretty good User friendly interface.Creating Apps here is like solving a puzzle or playing a game.You just need to drag and drop the buttons graphics and logic's and you are done.But the problem with MIT app inventer is that you can deal with Database. MIT App inventor is completely free anyone create Apps just by A single time registration.

MIT App inventor

Where as zoho creator is same as MIT app inventor with much increased graphics and user interface.the thing which differentiate Zoho creator from MIT App inventor is that you can deal with databases.So now your App will be more's the ideal creator tool for business purpose Apps creations.dealing with Forms,User interfaces,user registration is as simple it was never before. Zoho creator is  a paid service you need to pay some amount if you are planning to create one.

For hobbyist MIT app inventor is the best software for those who want to use Apps for business or who are dealing with databases they can go with zoho creator.So create your app and publish them on Appstore or Playstore.